
We only went down to do a harvest of runner beans and sweet peas, but as soon as we were through the gate, I saw that the water level in the pond had dropped dramatically. Fortunately I found the damage up on the beach, just about within reach. There was a line of small holes and one bigger hole. It seems like some violent pecking has gone on; I can’t really think what else would have done it.

I cleaned and dried off the area and covered the holes with duct tape. Then I cut a piece of PVC and taped it over that. In order to prevent further beach bed pecking, I put the paddle stone there and half covered it with stones. I would rather use it to cover the side, but it was always slipping down, so I guess it doesn’t matter. I keep meaning to go back and see if there’s any more farm rock to be had, though I think it’s a bit absorbent and wicks the water a little.

Once the fix was done, I refilled the pond with rainwater so it was at least no longer super low. I saw various bits of wildlife while there, so all is well in spite of the dropped level. If the fix doesn’t hold, I’ll have to clear it out again and UHU it, rather than tape it.

The tomatoes are ripening and the first will probably be ready at the weekend.