
The pond was low again today, which is a pain. I’ve cut some of the plant roots back and it turned out that they were really taking liberties and had even spread into the folds of the liner. I refilled the pond, but I’m also wondering if the tape has come up a little. The crows are still messing about with the pond and had left me one of my pebbles on the gate.

I never got around to doing a mid-week visit and so there was a lot of deadheading to do and a lot of big beans to pick. Mr B asked me how me my tomatoes were doing as his were soft and didn’t have any flavour. I gave him a Red Alert to try, which was apparently full of flavour, so he’s concluded that he’d been overwatering. So evidently I don’t need to worry too much about the fact that I don’t water very much.

The mint has taken over in triangle and as a result my dahlia is getting sat on. That’ll be another autumn job – to give it proper room to flourish.