
A post-work visit to do the strimming. The clover had come up enough that I basically mowed the place with the trimmer too. Touring the plot shows that unfortunately every bed needs weeding.

Most of the ocas have come up in little clumps of foliage. In the next bed the onions have started fattening up. I need to water things again – though there was a random small, but heavy shower later in the evening.

Flowers have appeared on the runner beans and the tomatoes have flower buds too. The sweet peas are fattening up a bit, but have a long way to go. The front of the bed has lobelia and some candytuft coming, but it’s not going to be the sea of candytuft I had in a previous year.

The nasturtiums in Bed 5 are picking up. Bed 6 is still kinda weedy-looking. It’s not the best year really. Things just aren’t taking off the way I want them too. Maybe July will be better – although Bed 3 is on the turn to July emptiness now that the nigella has gone to seed.  The bought cosmos are robust though – but bizarrely non-random in their lines.