
More deadheading and before I did the mowing, I cut the borage back. It’s now easier to walk down the paths without being scratched. I’ve also made more room around the tomatoes and cucumber. I’ll take off more in due course, but I have visitors coming on Wednesday so I didn’t want to make it look too harshly cut back.

One left – no tomato; on the right – tomato uncovered! I need to look out for trimming the tomatoes too as they look a bit dense in their cages at the moment.

I like the idea of doing more sweet pease next year. If I do them (or anything else) on the netting again, I need to not worry too much about lobelia at the front – candytuft will do and is big enough to hold its own. The lobelia has become completely hidden under the leaning peas.

I did some weeding here and there. Having picked up another sack of coffee grounds at the office, I also finally sorted out my backlog. A bunch went straight onto the compost heap and the rest filled up my bucket.