
The pond was still intact this morning, which was good news. I even caught the blackbird having a dip. Some of the beach stones had rolled further down, but I’m happy with just scooping them up from time to time.

I was hoping for the next piece of wildlife to turn up and Mother Nature took the hint and gave me a pond skater when I was on my way out of the plot!

I did a mammoth weed of Bed 11 to allow the oca room to grow. It’s doing quite nicely and I think I’m missing two plants is all. There are also verbena seedlings in this bed and elsewhere, which I’ve left to mature further since my wall of verbena in the left bed has decreased considerably.

The first cucumber is doing very well and I’ve found another seedling under a borage leaf. There’s no sign of the other two, so the wigwam is just kinda architectural at this point. There’s a lot of borage in Bed 1 and 7 and it’s just started to flower. It’s still going to get ripped up if it gets in the way though.

I had little zinnias still at home, which I’ve pinched and put in Beds 6 and 7. Bed 6 is one of my disappointments. The nasturtiums really haven’t done much yet and the various  seeds I put in are coming up, but not spread out very well.

The woodland bed is quite pretty with weeds and seeds. I weed it bit by bit, taking out weeds when they’re obviously bad. There are small bits of log hidden in there too.

I mowed the whole plot on 1, which was delightful. It’s so much nicer (and quieter) to walk on when it’s this short.

I also did all the feeding, with tomato food going to the tomatoes for the first time. There’s no rain around at the moment and I think the butts are getting down a bit.

I ended up in among the apple tree, cutting back brambles and cutting down five foot tall nettles. If I had a bigger plot I might have set up a nettle fertiliser tub, but I just don’t have room.