
I’ve finally managed to mow the whole plot on level 1 now. The clover just has such a high water content that I kept having to unclog the bottom of the mower, so I carried a bucket around with me for all the green mulch. I’ve done the deadheading too, so the plot is looking midsummer-great and deserved a few photos.

Cornflowers are blooming in Bed 6 and in the woodland bed, where larkspur has turned up from seed casting too. It’s about time it finally germinated. Hopefully those two will self-seed for next year, along with poppies and corn cockles, taking over a bit from the weeds that I’ve allowed to do their own thing.

I concluded that the suddenly poorly onions all have powdery mildew, so l’ve harvested all 50 before they get any worse. Any marks beyond the mildew are a matter of infection taking hold and becoming worse.

A couple had slightly mouldy bottoms, so they might not dry off all that well. The rest are now laid out in the grow house with the garlic.

The sweet peas are still doing very well – and are holding themselves up fairly well. A new dark one has opened and there are two-tone ones too. Monty Don says its a good year for sweet peas, so we’ll see if I can do them as well next year.