
I’ve made another repair to the end of the pond, moving a paddle stone to cover the front wall and covering the empty space on the ledge with gritty mud and pieces of creeping jenny. I took a big bit from home, and a rooted piece from my own plants. I’ve managed to dangle at least one of the latter’s roots in the water with the hope that it will survive that way. Keeping the wood in place will be the real challenge as the birds like to flick it out of the way. I’ve tucked one piece half into the fold of the plastic, so I hope that will stay.

In other pond news, although I’ve not seen the snail again yet, I have noticed a couple of lines of snail eggs on the creeping jenny pot. So I should be set for a new community. Two shoots of hornwort have shown themselves and I need to thin the elodea a little. When taking the blanket weed out I discovered a new, coarser kind in the middle of the elodea.

I thinned the carrots out and resowed the holes in the carrot and beetroot rows.

The sweet peas are picking up, as is the candytuft in the same bed. I was afraid that they were going to be measly, but they just hadn’t come into their prime yet.

I watered the oca and garlic, and weeded and watered the onions. I didn’t have the energy to rake in feed around the carrot and beetroot, so watered them with some weak general feed with the hope that they won’t mind that.