
I cut the second physostegia down a bit and threw some of the seed over the back to try and fill any gaps. I’ll leave the stalks over the winter for all my lovely bugs. 

I cleared up a bit more in the front bed and ended up doing my biggest work outside the fence, ripping back the horrible grass. I rediscovered the gap between the car park and the fence and saw some of my old edging fillers, but it needs more blocking inside/outside. I’ve made a big difference to the bed pulling from outside, but there is of course some that grows right on the fence line. There were some fallen branches from the tree, which I put in the hole. The tree may not offer shade any more, but it has built quite a thick centre of new growth now.

I’d left buckets out that were full of rainwater, so one accumulated bucket went into the black leaf bin, to make it damper and to perhaps move the ants on.

The white candytuft in Bed 9 is done, so I saved lots of seed from it – far too much really, but it’s a good, long-term filler from late July, that can be broadcast sown. I also finally got the candytuft tidied and deadheaded; it’s still happily flowering.

There were apples all over the ground under the apple tree, which I tidied up and split between home and the compost bin. I also picked six from the tree. The blackbird was in the tree and the robin seems to always be there. No doubt the nestbox needs to be straightened again. It’s not like  the fence is straight.